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Intelligent Beauty Congress of Aesthetic Medicine

Intelligent Beauty Congress of Aesthetic Medicine

19-20 June 2023

We are thrilled to announce that Inomedis, as a Silver Partner, will participate in the INTELLIGENT BEAUTY CONGRESS, which will take place on 19-20 June 2023 in Riga, Latvia.

As part of Inomedis' participation in the INTELLIGENT BEAUTY CONGRESS, we have prepared:
«The Secret of icoone's Popularity»conference for icoone Day on June 19th, where speakers with exceptional knowledge about icoone® will share their insights.
 An intensive lecture program for the New Trends & Health Technologies Forum. You will be able to attend lectures by 6 outstanding speakers who will discuss the latest technologies and innovations in aesthetic medicine.
Masterclasses by leading specialists in the field of device techniques. There will be demonstrations of the most innovative procedures performed on devices from leading global medical equipment manufacturers - Asclepion, Fotona, Jeisys Medical, InMode, Sinclair, Venus Concept.

Certified diplomas are available for participants in the congress programs, which provide the opportunity to earn TIP points:
  • Cosmetologists and beauty professionals will receive a congress certificate worth 8 TIP for each day of the congress.
  • Doctors will receive an RSU certificate worth 12 TIP for each day of the congress.

Venue: ATTA CENTRE, Krasta Street 60, Riga, Latvia.
More information about event:

Conference «The Secret of icoone's Popularity»
Hall 3

10:00-10:30. «The Secret of icoone's Popularity» by Anastasiya Cavallaro (Italy). Export Manager of icoone® (i-Tech Industries). Specialist in international business development.
10:30-11:30. «New Opportunities and Results for Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine Clinics» by Maria Tryfonova (Ukraine). Cosmetologist, endocrinologist, founder of TRYFONOVAMD clinic. Co-owner of MEDIHUB clinic network.
11:30-12:30. «Icoone Technology - Perfect Body Correction with Comprehensive Results. The Secret of Youthful Multimicrostimulation” by Dr. Mariia Kapitaniuk (Ukraine). Aesthetic medicine physician, certified trainer in aesthetic device techniques in Ukraine. Trainer for icoone® (i-Tech Industries) device techniques.
12:30-14:00. Break (Lunch).
14:00-15:00. «Effective Service Matrix. How to Build an Upselling System and Increase Average Ticket» by Olga Khainovskaya (Ukraine). Salon management business consultant, practicing international business trainer. Trainer No.1 of the international «Stella International Beauty Awards» in the category of «Best Beauty Industry Business Consultant.»
15:00-16:00. «Modern Technologies in Health Improvement, Aesthetic Procedures, and Postoperative Rehabilitation» by Gabrielė Grodytė (Lithuania). Cosmetologist. Lecturer in device techniques and skin care. Trainer for icoone® (i-Tech Industries), Venus Legacy®, Venus Bliss® (Venus Concept), Primelase®, Cooltech Define® (Sinclair).

Hall B

09:00-17:00. Exhibition of Inomedis Aesthetic Group — Inomedis Stand
12:30-14:00. Live Demonstration of icoone Technology — Inomedis Stand
16:30-16:45. Prize draw from Inomedis and Elementrē — Inomedis Stand


11:30-12:30. Asclepion. MeDioStar Monolith «Wide Range of Applications of Hybrid Technology» by Dr. Dina Mihailova (Latvia). Dermatologist, laser technology specialist. President of the Latvian Association of Aesthetic Dermatology (LEDA). Official trainer for laser technologies at Inomedis Aesthetic Group.
14:30-15:30. Fotona. Fotona 4D®. SP Dynamis. Fotona 4D Rejuvenation® by Dr. Evgeni Skivka. Dermatologist, cosmetologist, trainer, and expert in laser equipment for cosmetology and dermatology. Founder and director of the training center for laser medicine «L.Energy» in Kiev. Director of the clinic, physician at the Clinical Academy of Laser Medicine (2018-2022) in Kiev.

«New Trends & Health Technologies Forum”
Hall 2

10:00-10:30. «Commercial Empathy or the Rise of Machines” by Katia Levit (Israel). Sales and Business Development Director of InMode. Expert in equipment for beauty centers and plastic surgery. 17 years of experience in Aesthetic Medicine. Crisis management leader for international companies. Business speaker at international congresses of aesthetic medicine and forums for executives. Founder and organizer of the «Beauty Boss Event» forum - an annual event for owners and managers of beauty businesses.
10:30-11:00. «Multi-level rejuvenation using erbium and neodymium lasers” by Dr. Evgeni Skivka. Dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist, trainer, and expert in laser equipment in cosmetology and dermatology. Founder and director of the educational center for laser medicine «L.Energy» in Kyiv. Director of the clinic, physician at the «Clinical Academy of Laser Medicine» from 2018 to 2022 in Kyiv.
15:45-16:15. «Modern approach to the correction of couperose and pigmentation” by Dr. Maria Khomych (Ukraine). Dermatovenereologist, expert in device technologies. Trainer for InMode.
16:15-16:45. «Focused ultrasound in cosmetology. Fundamentals of safe and effective work” by Dr. Denis Karelin (Belarus). Dermatovenereologist. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Certified trainer and international speaker for ULTRAcel Q+ Jeisys Medical

Hall B

09:00-17:00. Exhibition of Inomedis Aesthetic Group - Inomedis Stand
12:30-14:00. Live Demonstration of Janus Pro Sunlike - Inomedis Stand


10:30-11:30. Jeisys CO2 + Hifu «Combined Protocol of HIFU and CO2 Technologies in One Procedure» by Dr. Denis Karelin (Belarus). Dermatologist. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Certified trainer and international speaker for ULTRAcel Q+ Jeisys Medical.
12:30-13:30. Sinclair. Primelase Excellence. «Advantages of Using Ultrashort Pulse for Laser Hair Removal. Safe Application of High Energies» by Evgeni Skivka. Dermatologist, cosmetologist, trainer, and expert in laser equipment for cosmetology and dermatology. Founder and director of the training center for laser medicine «L.Energy» in Kiev. Director of the clinic, physician at the Clinical Academy of Laser Medicine (2018-2022) in Kiev.Sinclair.
13:30-14:30. Venus Concept. Venus Legacy. «Multipolar RF in Combination with Negative and Positive Vacuum» by Gabrielė Grodytė (Lithuania). Cosmetologist. Lecturer in device techniques and skin care. Trainer for icoone® (i-Tech Industries), Venus Legacy®, Venus Bliss® (Venus Concept), Primelase®, Cooltech Define® (Sinclair) device techniques.
14:30-15:30. Inmode. Morpheus8, Lumecca. «Innovative Technologies for Rejuvenation. Minimally Invasive Combination - Maximum Results» by Dr. Maria Khomych (Ukraine). Dermatologist, expert in device technologies. Trainer at InMode company.

 «New Trends & Health Technologies Forum”
Hall 3

12:00-12:30. «Fractional Micro-Needle RF. Bodyshaping - To Be or Not To Be” by Dr. Maria Khomych (Ukraine). Dermatologist, expert in device technologies. Trainer at InMode company.
15:00-15:30. «Skin Multimicrostimulation: From Medicine to Aesthetics. Secrets of Combined Techniques” by Dr. Mariia Kapitaniuk (Ukraine). Aesthetic medicine physician, certified trainer in aesthetic device techniques in Ukraine. Trainer for icoone® (i-Tech Industries) device techniques.

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