
FaceTite, Accutite, NeckTite & BodyTite
FaceTite, Accutite, NeckTite & BodyTite Minimāli invazīvas kanulas ķermeņa, sejas, kakla un preorbitālās zonas modelēšanai un konturēšanai. Kanulas sastāv no iekšējā elektroda, kas novietots ar silikonu klātā elektroda proksimālajā galā, kas tiek ievietots tauku slānī, kad vienlaikus ārējais elektrods atrodas zem ādas. Tiem ir kontakta, impedances un virsmas temperatūras devēji. RF enerģija pārvietojas starp diviem elektrodiem ar vienlaicīgu aspirāciju, kas papildus konturēšanai un liftingam nodrošina saudzīgu tauku aizvākšanu. Ir pieejamas dažādu izmēru kanulas visām sejas un ķermeņa daļām.

Morpheus8 & Morpheus8 Body
Fractional RF technology with programmable control working at the subdermal level. The microneedle electrodes of the Fractional RF applicator are inserted directly into the skin. The depth is controlled: Handpiece Morpheus8 — from 0.5 mm to 4.5 mm. It is used for the face, neck, decollete and hands. Handpiece Morpheus8 Body — from 2 to 7 mm. It is used for the body. At the handpiece Morpheus8 implemented the "Burst" mode - working out three skin levels in one pulse. The pulse combination can be with a given power supply depth: 7/5/3 mm, 6/4 / 2mm, 5/3mm or 4/2 mm.

Forma V
A non-invasive, subdermal heating procedure for women's health that does not require anesthesia or rehabilitation period. Gently heats the walls of the vagina along the entire length — from the distal to the proximal division, 360°, thereby stimulating the formation of new collagen and elastin, and reducing overstretched tissues. Thermal sensor built-in the Forma V applicator ensures safe treatment.

Forma & Plus
Non-invasive RF lifting. Applicators for the treatment of face (Forma) and body (Plus). Equipped with blunt-tip electrodes (14 and 45 for Forma and Plus respectively) and a built-in skin temperature sensor (38–43 °C). The attachments feature the patented ACE "motion" technology, which allows rapid, uniform heating at great depths (including in the hypodermis) and on large areas through the use of therapeutic peak power.

Microneedle RF. Fractora applicator closes the gap between CO2 lasers, surgical facelift and fractional lasers for superior results with minimal recovery time.

BodyFX & MiniFX
Non-surgical lipolysis procedure for the correction of body fat — BodyFX applicator and on the lower third of the face — MiniFX applicator. The action of the applicators based on the synergy of RF energy, vacuum, high voltage HV and short RF pulses.
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