The OPTOflex® articulated arm is specifically designed to efficiently transmit the laser beam without losing energy or changing the beam’s original properties.
The shape and magnitude of the aiming beam enhances visibility, allowing for easier, faster treatments and greater precision. OPTOflex® is light, compact and folds back to decrease system height.
With laser quality benefits unlike any other beam delivery system, OPTOflex® is definitive of the next generation in laser delivery systems for high-power lasers.
Fractional handpieces harness the powerful photomechanical effect of the StarWalker into tightly focused arrays. These arrays contain concentrations of energy while the surrounding area remains unaffected by the laser light.
This third-generation technology combines the unsurpassed range of pulse duration modes of Fotona’s VSP (Variable Square Pulse) technology with the revolutionary capability of ASP technology to adapt the temporal structure of laser pulses to the bio-photonic dynamics of laser-tissue interaction.
StarWalker’s patented MaQX pulse modalities produce powerful bursts of laser energy that photoacoustically break apart skin pigmentations into smaller, more easily eliminated particles.
Based on revolutionary ASP technology, StarWalker is capable of delivering up to an unprecedented 10 J of Q-switched energy in one giant structured MaQX pulse. The unique MaQX high energy capability of StarWalker enables the generation of a higher energy photoacoustic effect at the treatment site, leading to more effective and faster treatments. Additionally, with high MaQX energies, larger spotsizes can be used resulting in more homogeneous treatments of even deeper lying skin pigments, and therefore with reduced risk of unwanted side effects.
StarWalker’s unique TMD (Transverse Mode Discrimination) laser oscillator technology combined with the ASP pulse control delivers very short (5 nsec) Q-switched pulses consisting of a high energy train of ultra-short bursts of energy in trillionths of a second, enabling photomechanical impact to shatter tiny skin targets without injury to the surrounding skin. StarWalker’s technology thus combines the high energy capabilities of nanosecond lasers with the ultrashort pulse peak powers of traditional picosecond lasers.